The Approach

L’Oreal’s marketing team, together with cybersecurity, was seeking a solution to better manage access to shared social media accounts, and easily on- and off-boarding users in the process. The team identified Cerby as the best solution to streamline and secure team-based access to social media platforms, protect the brand and increase compliance.

Benefits of Cerby

Cerby is unlike legacy password managers, Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) and other heavy-handed enforcement-based approaches that disrupt productivity, in three ways:

  • It increases productivity by empowering end-users to administer their own applications, offloading and automating manual processes such as shared access for social media and financial applications, enabling two-factor authentication and rotating passwords.
  • It helps protect the brand by connecting any application to corporate identity systems, even those that don’t support standards, enabling the automated creation and deletion of accounts and access that when done manually, often leads to breaches.
  • It makes sure you comply with security policies by identifying violations of corporate policy and industry standards and automatically correcting violations before they are discovered by attackers.

Once Cerby fully takes over the authentication process, the platform effectively locks out anyone who doesn't use Cerby for access. This reduces the risk of bad actors hijacking accounts or sidestepping access policies and time restrictions.

"We chose Cerby because we needed a secure and centralized place to manage access to our paid social accounts. Additionally, the automated access removal of employees who have left the company provides a level of security we did not previously have.”

Nina Donnard, AVP Paid Social
