Our Chief Trust Officer, Matt Chiodi, recently briefed a working group within the United Nations Information Security Special Interest Group (UNISSIG) on emerging Zero Trust technologies and priorities. The presentation, made virtually today at the request of the group, covered key Zero Trust concepts, steps required to implement Zero Trust, and ways to ensure these principles in an environment where technology spending continues to move away from the IT function.
“It was an honor to advocate Zero Trust principles to a group of this stature— this is a vital discipline, and it deserves the breadth and prestige that UN agencies can bring to it,” Mr. Chiodi noted. “All of us at Cerby look forward to greater interaction and collaboration with the IOM as it spreads the message of Zero Trust.”

Among other issues, the presentation covered:

  • Zero Trust concepts such as defining the protect surface; the Kipling method policy; and tools and technologies deployed to build and maintain a Zero Trust environment
  • Five key steps to implementing Zero Trust, including mapping the transaction flows; monitoring and maintaining the network; and building a Zero Trust architecture
  • Understanding unmanageable applications— technologies used without the approval or knowledge of the IT department, and that don’t support common security and identity standards
  • How employees increasingly demand the power to choose their own apps
  • How this new and evolving technology environment requires a holistic solution

The UNISSIG is the principle mechanism within the UN system for the promotion of inter-agency cooperation and collaboration on information security-related matters. Its primary objective, the optimization of information security within its member organizations, is pursued through the continuous and collective assessment of the UN system’s exposure to (internal and external) threats. Representatives from The International Office for Migration (IOM) and World Health Organization (WHO) were among those attending the briefing.