Protect the brand

Manage access to paid social and protect the brand

The challenge

When it comes to protecting the brand, the only one that matters is yours. According to research from IBM, it takes four years, tens of millions in lost revenue, and roughly $8.2M in direct costs for your brand to recover from a data breach. Guess where this is often happening? Social media applications like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. The forefront of your brand. Marketing teams work hard to get the message out to customers, but how do they manage access to these platforms when they don’t support standards like single sign-on? Answer: the passwords get shared often in spreadsheets, emails, and, gasp… sticky notes.

The solution

Cerby. Instead of going into every platform and manually managing access, teams go to one place to add and remove access. No more shared passwords. Access to applications unsupported by identity providers like Okta and Azure AD are consolidated into one location, courtesy of Cerby.

The best part is that after Cerby connects to your corporate identity system, you no longer have to use individual accounts to log in. Cerby will automatically log you in using your corporate credentials.

Protecting your brand will always be challenging, but with Cerby, you now have one less thing to worry about.

With Cerby you can

Retain account control

Retain account control

Easily tether social media accounts to corporate emails and phone numbers, so your accounts remain attached to the company versus individual employees.


Enable safe, shared logins

Streamline multi-user authorizations for a single account so your users can safely share logins without exposing themselves to sophisticated account hijacking techniques.

Protect. Secure. Automate.

All your applications in one place.

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Protect. Secure. Automate.