Eliminate your password manager

Tired of password manager breaches?


Cerby's deep knowledge of thousands of applications and the ability to extend SSO and SCIM to any application eliminates the need for manual security tasks and enterprise password managers (EPMs). Cerby also provides more granular control over access to legacy and nonstandard applications. This not only improves the organization's overall security posture but also improves the user experience and productivity. No password manager required.

Unlock the full potential of your IdP

With Cerby, you can easily set up SSO for applications that don't support security standards such as SAML or OIDC. Leverage corporate identity credentials managed by your identity provider (IdP) to extend secure access to all of your applications.

With Cerby you can

Seamless access management for maximum security

Eliminate the need for EPMs

With Cerby, organizations can achieve a single control point for all their access management needs—eliminating manual security tasks required with EPMs and providing more granular control over access to applications that don't support SSO and OIDC. Ensure ultimate security and increased productivity with Cerby's comprehensive access management solution.

Extend your identity lifecycle to any application

Extend your identity lifecycle to any application

With Cerby, you can easily extend your identity and access management (IAM) lifecycle to any application in the enterprise. Streamline processes, reduce manual work, and increase overall productivity while improving your organization's security posture with a comprehensive approach to access management.

Take control of your security and productivity

Take control of your security and productivity

Cerby helps you take control of the security within your organization, giving you more granular control over access to applications that don't support critical identity standards. This not only helps keep your data safe, but also empowers employees to be more productive. Don’t let manual security tasks like enabling 2FA and offboarding, bog down your team—take control with Cerby.

Ditch the dinosaur EPM and upgrade to Cerby's comprehensive access management

Comprehensive application coverage: Cerby provides more granular control over access, enabling organizations to control third-party access and automate user onboarding and offboarding for any application, even those that don't natively support standards like SCIM.

Automated security and compliance: Cerby's offboarding automation ensures that all access is revoked when employees leave, reducing the risk of malicious insiders causing harm and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements around data access and storage.

Eliminate manual tasks and improve the user experience: With Cerby, eliminate the manual tasks associated with traditional EPMs, like manually updating passwords or managing access for former employees, and provide a better user experience for your employees.
Landscape_automation center

Ready to leave those password managers behind? Let's talk Cerby.

Ready to leave those password managers behind? Let's talk Cerby.