Say goodbye to traditional password managers

Are you tired of the breaches, headaches, and limitations of traditional enterprise password managers (EPMs)? Cerby is the comprehensive solution for securing access to all your apps, with no exceptions. With Cerby, you can ensure that all your users have secure access to the right apps while keeping your data safe and secure.

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SSO for any app

Extends your existing identity provider (IdP) to any application, even if it doesn't support SAML/SSO.

Manages passwords, not access.

User offboarding

Automatically revokes access grants based on IdP SCIM events using an extensive application catalog.

Employees and 3rd parties retain access. No automated offboarding. Requires manual work.

User onboarding

Simple UI for provisioning application access for any app and works with your IdP.

Only manages passwords. Does not provision access to applications.

Audit logging

Tracks all actions in Cerby-managed apps, enabling teams to understand who did what and for which application. Connect to your SIEM for a complete picture.

No ability to report view access to applications.

Automated 2FA enrollment

Automatically onboard 2FA or reset passwords for accounts based on external triggers. Employees never see passwords.

Password rotation not available for most sites and some tasks like 2FA are dependent on the user to carry out, which can expose the password.

Sign-up for a free 30-day trial

30 days of access to Cerby's full suite of capabilities.

Automatic rotation of passwords for 500+ applications.

Seamless integration with your IdP, including automated user onboarding, offboarding, and automation with support for up to 5,000 EPM users (75 users per organization, per trial, minimum)