Automate Employee Offboarding

Stop Insider Threats

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When an employee leaves your company, you don’t want them to keep the keys to the castle. But this liability always lurks with legacy and nonstandard apps. Our patent-pending offboarding engine goes beyond protocols like SCIM to revoke access promptly and accurately, keeping your organization safe from threats from within without custom dev work or manual lifts.

Reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information with our centralized management dashboard, detailed audit trails, and comprehensive compliance with data access and storage.

Offboard Like a Boss


Lifecycle Management Resources

| Apr 23, 2024
Identiverse is where the identity security community comes together for four days with over 2,500 security professionals.
| May 21, 2024
Join Matt Chiodi for a webcast tackling the last-mile problem in zero trust. Learn practical strategies for securing nonstandard and disconnected apps.
| Dec 8, 2023
Cybersecurity in Healthcare: The Clop Threat and CISA's Guidance for Robust Access Management and Application Asset Security.